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Trending Skills to Learn During Summer Vacation
Parenting Personal Growth

Trending Skills to Learn During Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is the perfect time to take a break from the usual hustle and bustle and focus on personal development. Here are some of the best skills to learn during summer vacation that can enrich your life, boost your career, and provide endless enjoyment.
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Understanding the Personality of An Insecure Person

Understanding the Personality of An Insecure Person

Insecurity is a common human experience that can significantly shape one's personality and interactions with the world. While everyone faces moments of doubt and uncertainty, chronic insecurity can deeply affect an individual's behavior, relationships, and self-perception. This article delves into the traits, behaviors, and underlying factors of an insecure personality, offering insights and strategies for coping and growth.
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Unmasking Stage Fright: Understanding the Causes of Performance Anxiety
Personal Growth

Unmasking Stage Fright: Understanding the Causes of Performance Anxiety

Stage fright, also known as performance anxiety, is a pervasive fear that affects many people, whether they are delivering a speech, performing in a play, or even participating in a meeting. While the symptoms of stage fright are well-known, the underlying causes can be more complex. Understanding these causes is the first step towards overcoming this common yet often debilitating fear. Let's explore the primary reasons behind stage phobia.
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Understanding the Roots and Overcoming the Grip of Inferiority Complex

Understanding the Roots and Overcoming the Grip of Inferiority Complex

An inferiority complex stems from an exaggerated feeling of inadequacy, often accompanied by a belief that one is inherently inferior to others. This perception can manifest in various aspects of life, such as appearance, abilities, intelligence, or social status. It's important to note that this complex isn't solely based on objective measures; rather, it's influenced by subjective perceptions and comparisons with others.
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Why Teens Don’t Share Their Feelings to Their Parents?

Why Teens Don’t Share Their Feelings to Their Parents?

Adolescence is a rollercoaster of emotions. Hormonal changes, academic pressures, and social dynamics can all contribute to heightened stress and anxiety. In the midst of such emotional turmoil, teens may struggle to articulate their feelings or even make sense of them themselves. Encouraging emotional intelligence and offering support during times of struggle can help facilitate more open communication.
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Breaking the Chains of Procrastination: A Guide to Productivity

Breaking the Chains of Procrastination: A Guide to Productivity

Procrastination is a complex psychological phenomenon with roots in various factors such as fear of failure, perfectionism, lack of motivation, and poor time management skills. It's not simply a matter of laziness; rather, it's a coping mechanism that we use to deal with uncomfortable emotions or tasks.
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Gaslighting Phenomenon: Signs, Effects, and How to Deal with It
Mental Health

Gaslighting Phenomenon: Signs, Effects, and How to Deal with It

Gaslighting is a form of emotional and psychological manipulation where one person seeks to gain power and control over another by causing them to doubt their reality, perceptions, and sanity. The term originates from the 1938 play "Gas Light" and its film adaptations, where a husband manipulates his wife into doubting her perceptions by dimming the gas lights in their home and then denying that the lights had changed.
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The Ghosting Phenomenon: Understanding and Coping with It
Mental Health

The Ghosting Phenomenon: Understanding and Coping with It

Ghosting refers to the act of suddenly and without explanation ceasing all communication with someone, especially in a romantic or dating context.
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The Lasting Impact of Authoritarian Parenting

The Lasting Impact of Authoritarian Parenting

The impact of authoritarian parenting on children can be profound and multifaceted. While some children may comply with their parents' demands out of fear or a desire to avoid punishment, others may rebel or internalize feelings of resentment and inadequacy.
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Understanding Emotional Dampening: Navigating the Complexities of Emotional Regulation
Mental Health

Understanding Emotional Dampening: Navigating the Complexities of Emotional Regulation

Emotional dampening, also referred to as emotional blunting or emotional numbing, is a psychological phenomenon characterized by a reduced intensity or range of emotions experienced by an individual.
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- Mental Health -

Gaslighting Phenomenon: Signs, Effects, and How to Deal with It

Gaslighting is a term that has gained significant attention in recent years, especially in discussions about relationships, workplaces, and mental ...
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The Ghosting Phenomenon: Understanding and Coping with It

The digital world we live in today has made communication easier and more convenient than it has ever been. With ...
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Understanding Emotional Dampening: Navigating the Complexities of Emotional Regulation

Introduction Emotions are an intricate facet of the human experience, guiding our perceptions, decisions, and interactions with the world around ...
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Unveiling the Cinderella Complex: Breaking Free from Unrealistic Expectations

In the vast landscape of psychological phenomena, certain patterns emerge that capture the imagination and curiosity of both scholars and ...
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Do You Resist Yourself for Commitment in a Relationship?

You are with someone with whom you have close or may be intimate relationship but still you are not giving ...
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7 Causes of Mental Illness

Our habits affect our well-being and make us mentally ill. We do these things unintentionally that directly affect our mental ...
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- Parenting -

Trending Skills to Learn During Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is the perfect time to take a break from the usual hustle and bustle and focus on personal ...
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Why Teens Don’t Share Their Feelings to Their Parents?

As parents, we often find ourselves navigating the intricate landscape of raising teenagers. It's a journey marked by countless highs ...
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The Lasting Impact of Authoritarian Parenting

Parenting styles play a significant role in shaping the development and well-being of children. Among the various parenting styles identified ...
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family, children, father

What Spiritual Gurus Says About Parenting?

Children’s personality and well-being is the result of your parenting. The way you treat your kids affect them emotionally, either ...
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10 Parenting Mistakes That Affect Child’s Personality

There is no doubt that every parent wants to give good care to his child but sometimes inadvertently or due ...
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